Electric Skeet Thrower at Bluff Creek Farm for August Tune Up

I spoke to Larry Bedinghaus yesterday and his brother Ron who lives in the Austin area has purchased one those nifty electric skeet throwers that we can use for the August Dove tune up. Electric throwers can load about 30 clay pigeons and they run on 12 volt batteries and can be set out so we have shots at passing birds instead of just the going away shots from hand held thrower that we have used in past years. I have two deep cycle marine batteries that I will bring up to full charge to bring along for the day and if we each bring a box of clays we will be set for a good time.

I will talk to Keith this weekend and we should be able to get the date set for the tune up. In the past we have done some skeet shooting and then adjourned to the rifle/pistol range and for more fun trying out our new acquisitions and taking turn becoming familiar with different guns. I think I will take an Enfield, a Mauser and and M1 Carbine this year just to get a taste of some of the old battle rifles. We might also have a Garand and a Mosin to use to round things out.

Larry and Joe sharing wisdom at Bluff Creek Farm.

Larry and Joe sharing wisdom at Bluff Creek Farm.

About the Author

Joe McElyea
I am an original member and founder of the esteemed High Plains Shooting and Dining Society which is dedicated to fellowship of bird hunters and shooters who also enjoy finding great local places to eat large, unhealthy portions of breaded and fried meats and gravies washed down with the appropriate libations. I am also a retired old man who enjoys fishing, shooting and my wonderful family.

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  1. Avatar Keith Lane says:

    We also have the bullet trap in place for rifles and hand guns. I still need to do the dirt work around and on top of it, but its ready for use. 300 win mag is all she can handle, so you 50.cal shootin sucker, can’t use it.
