Met a Great Old Gun Guy Shooting at the Bandera Gun Range

It has been awhile since I have been to the big gun, gun range. I am now a stock holding member in the Boerne Shooting Club, probably the oldest gun club in the nation 1864, which I have mentioned before and there we shoot .22 only. When I want to shoot shotgun, centerfire rifle or pistol I head on over to Bandera which is a beautiful 30 mile Hill Country drive away and on weekday mornings I usually have it to myself or share it with another old curmudgeon like myself.

Late last fall I met a great old guy who was shooting an M-14 with iron sights at 100 yards and recording each shot. We got started talking and he was wearing an Arizona U baseball cap which I did not think much about. When we were packing up he came over to visit and I told him I shot the M-14 during the 60’s and he told me that he is older and shot the M-1 in the Marines during the 1950’s. I asked him how much older he was than me and he said he was 81, born in 1934 and he had joined the Marine reserves when he was in high school and when his unit was activated he got some deferment for high school and did some active duty overseas during his summer while he was going to college and saw action in Korea.

As we talked more he explained that he builds out M1-A1 M-14s and shot a lot in the old days in military competition and he really enjoys talking guns and he loves to play golf a lot. We exchanged names and he said to look for him on Thursdays at Bandera because that is when he tests guns and hand loads. He had his little book on his bench recording each shot like serious gun guys like to do.

If I get time to make the trip this week on Thursday I hope I get to see Art Luppino again.

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About the Author

Joe McElyea
I am an original member and founder of the esteemed High Plains Shooting and Dining Society which is dedicated to fellowship of bird hunters and shooters who also enjoy finding great local places to eat large, unhealthy portions of breaded and fried meats and gravies washed down with the appropriate libations. I am also a retired old man who enjoys fishing, shooting and my wonderful family.