Is it Time to Improve Our Image? HPSDS Fellows Would Look Nice in Capes

Scalia and his Cohorts in Madrid 2013

Scalia and his Cohorts in Madrid 2013

Scalia died while on vacation with members of fraternal hunting order. Members of the order, seen here in their December 2013 investiture in Madrid, promote hunting and sportsmanship. (Photo: International Order of St. Hubertus) The noted conservative jurist and avid hunter passed while on a Texas ranch surrounded by members of the International Order of St. Hubertus.

Founded in 1695 by Count Franz Anton von Sporck, a noted patron of the arts in Austrian Bohemia, the order of sportsmen whose motto is “Deum Diligite Animalia Diligentes” (Honoring God by Honoring His Creatures) was disbanded by Hitler in 1938 for refusing to accept Nazis, but was reestablished after World War II.

High Plains Shooting and Dining Society 2014 -  Brownwood Texas

High Plains Shooting and Dining Society 2014 – Brownwood Texas

Something to think about, should we try to order some nice stuff to wear on Dove Eve next year?
Maybe a nice black robe with a silver gray lining to signify the sacred dove along with a light cream color piping to honor the white gravy on chicken fried steaks. Of course Leroy can wear an Order of the Purple Dove Sash with one Fried Okra cluster. Not saying we need to do this, just saying Larry would look good in one of these. Everett who is thrifty (cheap) has a great idea for our robes. He said his Baptist Church in Dallas is going to get new choir robes so perhaps we can buy the old ones at a reduced price and with a few alterations they would make some killer capes. Now for the question, if the Fellows show up wearing black capes would we just look like a funny bunch of ZORRO imposters? Please let me know your jacket size and inseam so that we can move forward in a timely manner if the response is positive.

2015 Dining In on Dove Eve at the Section Hand Resturant in the vintage John Wayne room.

2015 Dining In on Dove Eve at the Section Hand Resturant in the vintage John Wayne room.

About the Author

Joe McElyea
I am an original member and founder of the esteemed High Plains Shooting and Dining Society which is dedicated to fellowship of bird hunters and shooters who also enjoy finding great local places to eat large, unhealthy portions of breaded and fried meats and gravies washed down with the appropriate libations. I am also a retired old man who enjoys fishing, shooting and my wonderful family.